109 Ingersoll Royal Canadian Army Cadets

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A Brief Timeline of the RCAC
1865-Canada's first school cadets
1879- 72 drill associations
1887- detailed regulations governing formation & activities
1898- term 'cadet corps' first used
1904-current numbering system established
1910- Sir Donald Alexander Smith (Lord Strathcona) deposited $500,000 in trust to help fund the cadet program
1942- title 'Royal' conferred on the Army Cadets.
1944- fundamental training programme
1956- Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth authorized new crest, including the motto "ACER ACERPORI" (As the maple, so the sapling)
1975- females are allowed to join Cadets
1977- new dark green uniform issued to cadets
1985- HRH Prince Philip, Colonel-in-Chief presented the RCAC Banner at the National Army Cadet Camp in Banff
1987- enrolment age returned to 12
1999- RCAC program updated
2001- updated reference and pocket star level books still used today

Honour Code

I resolve, as a member of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, that I shall aspire to become a citizen of the highest integrity in my community; I shall strive for success in my studies, to be considerate of all persons and their property, and to achieve the highest physical, mental, spiritual and moral standards as a Citizen of Canada.

109 Staff

Commanding Officer (CO): Capt K. Kingma
Her staff includes: CI M Lyttle, 2Lt D Davies, & Capt H Mazur.
Seniors of the cadet corps include C/MWO A Harkes, C/WO B Lake, C/Sgt D Cormier & C/Sgt J Reid.


Oh, Canada!