109 Ingersoll Royal Canadian Army Cadets

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*We'll try to keep it updated. Keep us informed*

The following is a list of notices and announcements you might want to keep your eye on it.

Weekend Field Training Exercise

There is an upcoming weekend FTX at Peacekeeper Park in conjunction with another cadet corps from Techumseh (Windsor area). The weekendwill be chilly, as it is late October, so remember to pack lots of warm clothes. Weekend Exercises are not generally mandatory, however they are highly recommended. It gives a cadet the hands on experience (s)he needs to progress within the cadet corps, and it is also a great chance to make new friends in other areas. If you have any questions comments or concerns, please take them up to your platoon Sergeants, and they will be happy to help you (just, wait untill your not on parade).

Donations, Please

109 Ingersoll Royal Canadian Army Cadets are asking the public for gently used office items and other household furnishings. Such things include: desks, tables, chairs, old electronics, computer equipment, tools, etc. Tax receipts are available in most cases. Drop offs at Ingersoll District Collegiate 37 Alma street Ingersoll; lower level between 6 and 9:30pm. Pick up is also available. Please contact LT. Heath Mazur at:
(519) - 951 - 6308

RSM's Rant Space

Keep working on your uniforms and boots, use the chain of command and remember to call your platoon sergeant if you have any questions. See to see you at Cadets in your 'Wednesday Best'! :)

In this area, we might include a link to the "Recent and Upcoming Events" page.